
Quiz sheets - Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced

These quizzes cover each sub-strand of the Understanding Strand of the Auslan LOTE curriculum (Systems of Language, Language Variation and Change, Language Awareness, and the Role of Languages and Culture) and can also be used to align with the Communication Strand. For example, students can use the questions and answer format to perform dialogues in Auslan, practicing their expressive Auslan skills (Socialising, Informing, Creating and Translating sub-strands). Researching answers for the questions can be done in either English or Auslan and by using the Auslan videos to find the answers, students are practicing their receptive Auslan skills. Teachers can ask additional questions to encourage students to reflect on their sense of identity (Identity and Reflecting sub-strands).

The quizzes are for anyone and everyone! Fun fact: the quiz sheet levels are based on what was commonly used in Auslan community courses back in the 1990's!

To provide a guidance for teachers or educators, the Beginners quiz sheet is appropriate for upper primary / early high school students, the Intermediate quiz sheet is suited for high school students and the Advanced quiz sheet is aimed at senior high school or TAFE students.

Exhibition Quiz - BEGINNERS.pdf
Exhibition Quiz - INTERMEDIATE.pdf
Exhibition Quiz - ADVANCED.pdf

For teachers & educators - to obtain a copy of the answer keys, please email with your name, your role and place of employment to - Thank you.

Auslan Activity Booklet

This is a PDF copy of the booklet that was distributed to children at the Auslan: Now and Then exhibition. Click on the booklet to download your copy!

(Download issues - click on the top right corner "pop out" and download from PDF)

AUSLAN_Now and Then Activity Book_Final.pdf