
This is a chronological order of the information distributed on Facebook for Auslan: Now and Then at Boola Bardip 2021 and 2022.

March 28 & 31 March 2021

Patti: hello, I’m Patti Levitzke-Gray from the board the Western Australian Association of the Deaf (WAAD)

Christy: and I'm Christy Filipich, President of ASLIA (WA) the professional association for Auslan interpreters.

Patti: We have some exciting news for you. We've been working in partnership and have put forward a proposal to… who?

Christy: We asked the WA Museum Boorla Bardip (plenty of stories) and let them know that the Deaf Community has plenty of stories as well, so we put in a submission asking to showcase those stories from the WA Deaf Community.

Patti: And we’re excited and pleased to let you know that the WA museum accepted our proposal! The proposal is about the WA Deaf Community and Auslan, so we have decided to call this exhibition ‘Auslan: Now and Then’.

Christy: It's very exciting!

Patti: Hooray!

Christy: The exhibition will be held on the 18th and 19th of September, the start of National

Week of Deaf People.

Patti: That's right, and now we need your help. We're focusing this exhibition on Western Australia, Deaf, and Auslan. If you have any photos, information, stories, items like…

Christy: Things like T-shirts from Australian Deaf Games here in WA, in Perth.

Patti: Related to Deaf. So, if you do have something please take a photo of it, and what's important is to tell us the story about the item. It's not enough just to have the photo, we need to know why that item is important too. You can email submissions to When is the cut-off?

Christy: We need those submissions in by April 19th.

Patti: So, remember this can be about Deaf people, about Auslan, sports, anything - as long as the focus is on WA, the Deaf Community, the use of Auslan over the last 100 years or so. We're really excited to have this exhibition ready on the 18th and 19th of September 2021.

Christy: But we do need to remind you that we cannot accept all of the submissions to be in the exhibition. Once we receive those submissions, we will have to go through them and also follow the advice that we receive from the museum to choose the items for the exhibition.

Patti: That's right, so thank you so much for your help in submitting items but we then have to follow the advice that we get from the WA museum to ensure that it will be a really great exhibit. Any questions please contact us.

Christy: Thanks

Patti: Thanks, bye.

April 1 2021

50 likes already!

Transcript: Thank you everyone for your likes, we're so excited to be at 50. Please keep telling everyone about our WA Museum Boola Bardip "Auslan: Now and Then" exhibition on 18 & 19 September. Hope to see you there!

April 3 2021

100 likes! Here's a story from our WA Deaf Community to celebrate! Remember to get your stories in by 19 April to

Transcript: I will tell a story about my grandfather who was Deaf. His name was Ernie Levitzke. When he was a young man he worked at a bakery, his family business in Midland. Early one morning he was out on his bike making all of the bread deliveries and got a tap on the shoulder that scared the life out of him! He thought it was a ghost! But when he turned it was just a sailor who was lost in Midland, he'd had a date with a girl that had finished and wanted to know how to get back to Fremantle.

April 5 2021

Ready for another story about Ernie Levitzke? Remember to get your submissions in by 19 April to :-)

Transcript: Maybe you're wondering what kinds of stories or information we might be after. Here's an example, my Grandfather Ernie Levitzke never drove a car. He never had a driving licence. I thought maybe back then, he was born in 1904, at that time drivers’ licence weren't available yet? Maybe Deaf people weren't allowed to drive at that time? I don't know. Do you have any interesting stories or information that you want to submit? Remember we need it by the 19th of April.

April 8 2021

Not sure what to submit, want some more information? Auslan: Now and Then sub-committee member, Christy, has an idea for you:

Transcript: Hello, I'm here at The WA Museum Boola Bardip. Soon we will have an exhibition that focuses on WA Deaf and Auslan right here! Now we need you to go through your homes and find anything that is linked to deaf people in WA and Auslan. It could be photos, letters, things, but with stories - who, what and why? Email by April 19. Maybe you have some things, but you're not sure, or you want more information or you just don't know what kinds of things to submit.

So, I have an idea for you. I'm presenting at APN on the 18th of April and my presentation is about my collection of deaf history things, mostly books, but some other things too. And these are not just WA, these are things from around the world that I've found and pulled out of my library. So why not come to my presentation? And then you might get some ideas. Or you can ask me questions for some more information. Or you might have something, but you're not sure or you're not sure about how to email it, you’re not comfortable with that. Then come to APN and we can have a chat.

So that's APN 18th of April at the LMRC, 10 till 12. The cut-off date for submissions is the 19th of April. That's why it’s a really good opportunity to come to APN to have that chat. Hope to see you there.

April 12 2021

Get those submissions in! 1 week to go.

Transcript: We want to remind you of the cut-off date on 19th of April 2021. We need your help to get your information and stories in. The WA museum is going to have an exhibition focusing on WA Deaf people and our theme is ‘Auslan: Now and Then’. If you have any information please submit it to

April 13 2021

Need an idea about what to submit? Have you been to any of the Australian Deaf Games in Perth? Send us some photos and your memories of the event!

Transcript: Did you know that the Australian Deaf Games have been on in Perth before? They were! I was only a baby, in 1970/71, again in 1985/86 and again in 2000/01. Do you have any information about these events or any other interesting stories? Let us know!

April 15 2021

Were you at Deaf Odyssey? Share your stories and photos!

Transcript: Another story! 20 years ago, back in 2001, we had an event called Deaf Odyssey. It was an opportunity to gather, share information, it was great conference that we had in Perth, in Fremantle. Do you have any information or photos about that conference that you want to share with us? Maybe you can submit it for the exhibition!

April 17 2021

How about another story about Ernie Levitzke?

Transcript: I will tell a story about grandfather Ernie Levitzke. In the 1920s he played lacrosse with a hearing team. He couldn't speak, but when he was playing he would always say ‘hubba hubba hubba’. So that's what he would say when he was running across the field ‘hubba hubba hubba hubba hubba hubba’ and for the hearing players on his team they that's how they knew that Ernie was nearby and that he was available. But for the opposing players they would get really freaked out when Ernie was saying ‘hubba hubba hubba’ at them, which would interfere with their playing and so Ernie's team always won!

April 20 2021

Extended deadline for submissions! See video transcript for more information:

Transcript: Hi, I'm Josie and I'm on the subcommittee for ‘Auslan: Now and Then’, an exhibition in September at Boola Bardip, the WA museum. As most of you know, the deadline for submissions was yesterday 19th of April. The committee had a meeting and decided to extend the deadline to the 31st of May. So, you now have plenty of time to submit your stories. Please contact us if you have any concerns, you want advice, support or help, we’re happy to talk with you, so get in touch by emailing on screen below. We hope to receive your stories, but remember, not all of the stories submitted will be accepted into this exhibition because it does depend on what stories we get, the space that we have, how we're going to display these stories. So, once we have a lot of submissions will then go through them and choose what and how they will be displayed.

April 22 2021

Wondering who the sub-committee for Auslan: Now & Then are? Here we are!

Image description: Brady Bunch style photo collage with 9 boxes. From left to right, top to bottom - Box 1: Dawn Harrison; Box 2: Auslan Now and Then Sub-committee; Box 3: Robyn Tsapazi; Box 4: Patricia Levitzke-Gray; Box 5: 18 & 19 September Boola Bardip WA Museum events@ www.facebook/auslanatboolabardip; Box 6: Trish Townsend; Box 7: Josie Hodgetts; Box 8: A partnership between WAAD and ASLIA (WA); Box 9: Christy Filipich

April 27 2021

Here's a story from another sub-committee member about one of their memories.

Transcript: Here’s one story I want to share with you from 2005. For a few years prior to that a group of Deaf youth and parents fundraised for a Deaf Australia youth camp which was being held in the Gold Coast in QLD. I remember this because I was one of the people responsible for taking 10 Deaf children, 10 Deaf youth, for one week on this camp. It was a huge responsibility for myself and Dominic. With ten Deaf youth, we flew to The Gold Coast and had a great camp. It was fantastic. I have really good memories from that time, and it was a really valuable experience for all of the youth as well. When we came back, we created a DVD that had a books and photos and we presented that to all of the youth who had been there. So, if you went, maybe you have some memories. Do you remember this? Here’s the book. with photos and stories, as well as the DVD. So that's one story. Maybe you have other memories of other youth groups. How those youth groups were formed? What you did in those youth groups? Please submit and share your memories in your storeys. We would love to know.

April 30 2021

Did you attend the WAAD Barn Dance? Tell us about it!

Transcript: I have memories of many different community events. The Australian Deaf Games, Deaf club events. Here in Perth we have had some Deaf Community events and there's one that I really remember as it’s quite close to my heart. Now, I'm not keen on dances. But WAAD organised for a Bush dance. They brought in people who taught us how to do line dancing. We had hay stacks. Food and drink. People were getting up and telling stories, and jokes. It was an amazing night, the time just flew by, it was so enjoyable. It was a really great night and I have such fond memories. What are your favourite memories at events that have happened? Tell us about them. Share your stories with us.

May 3 2021

We have lots of notable Deaf people in WA. Tell us about them!

Transcript: Did you know in 2013 I won an award? It was the Western Australian Education Award which is given to an employee who work in any of the schools all throughout WA. I was presented with the WA Education Support Staff Award, which means I beat every hearing person who was working as an education assistant in WA. Do you know of any other any other Deaf West Australians who have one awards? Why not tell us about that? Share your stories with us!

30 May 2021

Submissions due tomorrow 31 May! Email with your memories, stories, photos and things! We can't wait to see what you've got!

Transcript: Hi, I'm here at the WA Museum Boola Bardip. WAAD and ASLIA (WA) have an exhibition called Auslan: Now and Then on 18 & 19 Sept, plenty of information on our Facebook page. Importantly, if you've been rummaging around at home to find interesting photos, stories and things, they need to be submitted by tomorrow 31 May. So if you have any ideas, memories, stories, please email events@ Tomorrow is the cut off and then we can have a look and start to get ready for the exhibition.

23 August 2022

Hello from Auslan: Now and Then. Maybe you think that we have been quiet, but actually the committee has been very busy and hard at work organising things. Auslan: Now and Then is less than three weeks away from the 9th to the 11th of September.

Friday the 9th is set aside for school visits, but the 10th and 11th, is open to the general public. You may remember last year we had banners, presenters and many other things. This year we will also have banners. We will have presenters. And there will be some new resources on display.

We also have some new banners and I have one here that I thought you might want to have a look at. It's a little bit smaller, so I wonder why that might be? I wonder which banner it is.... I have not opened this at all, so it'll be a surprise to me too. Ooooo! "Did you know?" I wonder what information and facts are on this banner? Maybe you'll know them, maybe you won't.

You'll have to come and have a look for yourself. So, Friday 9th is set aside for organised school visits. Saturday and Sunday the 10th and 11th of September from 10am come along to the WA Museum Boola Bardip, just like last year. Hope to see you there!

2 September 2022

Exciting news! Auslan: Now and Then has a display at the WA Museum Boola Bardip for all of September!

Transcript: Hello, I'm having a sneak peek in here at the WA Museum Boola Bardip. You may remember we had an exhibition here last year and we will be doing that again this year - next weekend!! Saturday 10th and 11th of September. We are open on Friday as well, but that's for school visits. And today we are here because we have a display about Auslan and the Deaf community in here for the entire month of September! So if you happen to be around the museum before our exhibition next weekend, you can have a look. Otherwise, we will see you next weekend!

10 September 2022

Announcing the Deaf stories presenters!

Transcript: Hello! I'm at the Auslan: Now and Then exhibition at the WA Museum Boola Bardip. Today 10th September 2022, we have two people presenting "Deaf Talks". At 11am we have Haydn Buss who will talk about his journey learning Auslan as a second language. At 12.30pm we have Drisana Levitzke-Gray who will talk about her work as a Deaf interpreter. Tomorrow 11th September 2022 at 11am Roberto Trimboli will talk about living with Usher's Syndrome. And at 12.30pm, Jack Klem and Jenava Turner will talk about their experience going to Argentina for a World Federation of the Deaf Youth Camp. We are very excited and hope to see you here!